The Genius Zone - Unlock Your Inner Genius

Ep. 9 – Personalizing Coaching Communication: Boost Your Coaching Conversations

Catherine Mattiske Season 1 Episode 9

This episode is for anyone involved in coaching, from professional coaches and team leaders to sports coaches and more. Whether you're just starting out or have years of experience, you’ll learn the latest tools and strategies needed to effectively communicate and engage with your coachee.

Discover how leveraging the latest digital tools can solve your coaching communication struggles while helping clients reach their goals. You will be armed with techniques and tools to best motivate and engage each of your clients.

In this episode you will learn how to:

  • Utilize the Inner Genius Profile to personalize coaching conversations
  • Evaluate and interpret the data collected through the assessment
  • Develop effective strategies for personalizing conversations
  • Design techniques and tools to best motivate and engage each client

Take your first step… Unlock your Inner Genius (GQ) today! Take the Inner Genius Profile here.

Learn more about the Inner Genius Profile on our website.



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Catherine Mattiske, best known for creating ID9 Intelligent Design & the Genius Quotient (GQ), is a leading light in the corporate learning & team-building industries. She regularly works with large & small organizations to help team members better understand one another while effectively collaborating & boosting individual & team morale & productivity in the workplace.

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Catherine Mattiske, Carl Richards

Carl Richards  00:06

You've entered the Genius Zone where we explore the secrets to unlocking your Inner Genius. Your host, Catherine Mattiske brings her years of knowledge and experience in developing the Inner Genius Profile. Let's dive in and see what's in store for today. This podcast episode is taken from a previous live event. 

 Welcome everyone to Personalizing Coaching Communication: Boosting Your Coaching Conversations. I'm your host, Carl Richards and I'm so thrilled to be here and today, we have a very special guest on the show is Catherine Mattiske, who is the creator of the Inner Genius Profile. Now the Inner Genius Profile is revolutionizing the way coaches interact with their clients. It combines data insights from advanced assessments with personalized communication tools to create a powerful way to coach your teams and your coaching clients as well. 

 So, Catherine is here to tell us about the Inner Genius Profile. I've been learning a lot about it myself in this journey that I've had with Catherine for this last few months, and how it can really help coaches reach their clients more effectively and foster greater success too, so Catherine, welcome.

 Catherine Mattiske  01:20

Thanks so much, Carl. Great to be here.

 Carl Richards  01:22

It's a thrill to have you here once again. Let's start with discussing how coaches can utilize the Inner Genius Profile to personalize coaching conversations. This is a really, really valuable tool in many different ways. So for those people who are new to Inner Genius, why is the Inner Genius Toolkit been so popular so quickly? What's happened?

 Catherine Mattiske  01:40

So I think people inherently want to discover the Inner Genius inside of them. And Carl, I was watching the coronation concert over the weekend. And Katy Perry sang Firework. And for the first time, I actually heard the lyrics to that. And I thought, wow, there's this whole movement around being the best version of you. And some of the lines in that song, which I've never actually listened to before, I've just, you know, heard her perform. There's a line that says “maybe a reason why all the doors are closed, so that you could open one that leads you to your perfect road.” And I think that's what, especially the up and coming generations want, they want to open the doors to their perfect road, whatever that is for them. And then she goes on to say, “come on, let your colors burst, you're going to leave them all in awe. It's always been inside of you. And now it's time to let it through.” And I've never actually heard those words before. But if we think about coaching, that's what we're doing, as coaches were really allowing somebody's colors to burst, and someone to say, "wow, this has been inside you the whole time." And so for Career Coaches, people that are in a coaching role within an organization, their role is to provide that support to provide the empowerment in their field of professional development for their coachees, and also help people with career changes. 

But then there's Executive Coaches that are often external to the organization, they've got their own businesses, and they're assisting leaders and managers to become better communicators, perhaps more empathetic, or simply put when you wrap it all up more effective. So for coaches, coaching is an essential skill for managers and leaders across the board, because it's helping their teams improve their skills and to develop professionally. And we actually asked a question, Carl on LinkedIn as one of the polls, and it said, "How many people do typically coach at any given time?" And interesting to me was, there was four answers one or two. And then the second answer was three to five, then the third answer was six to 10. And then more than 10, and 33% of people said, three to five, which I would have expected to be about the normal because I was thinking leaders and teams. But then another 40% said more than 10. So that's leaders with a very large team. 

So we're talking about coaching today. And the Inner Genius Profile is for coaches and coachees. So the coach would take the profile, and the coachee would take the profile. And it really is in a nutshell, about people unleashing their full potential and finding that Inner Genius, and I've coined that term Genius Quotient or GQ. So when they get their Inner Genius Toolkit, they're really learning their strengths. They're learning how to communicate in new ways to people, especially if they're different to them, essentially doing what Katy Perry is talking about, starting to live their best life.

Carl Richards  05:00

I love it. So what's in the Toolkit?

 Catherine Mattiske  05:02

So firstly, you've got the Inner Genius Profile. So that helps you to discover your strengths and learn where your Genius Zone is. Now your Genius Zone is the place where you do your best work, where you live your best life, it's how you like to learn, and how you like to communicate and show up in the world. And the profile is the central part of that. However, that's just the beginning of a journey. So it's not like a regular assessment online, where you take the assessment, get the results, and that's it. Okay, that's not what this is. There's an entire Toolkit to help people communicate with people who have different profiles. 

 So there's a tool called the Inner Genius Wheel in that Toolkit. And there's also tools to help you get into your Genius Zone, both at work, and also in your personal life. So there's tools like we've created Spotify music playlists, we've created Alexa skills that are all personally tailored to you. And across all of the Toolkit and all of the Inner Genius programs. There's over 50 tools in the Toolkit. So if- there's a huge array of tools for people to say, "this is not just interesting information, this is information that I can put into practice with tools." And coaches can use those tools with their coachees.

 Carl Richards  06:24

What key benefits does the Inner Genius Profile offer coaches when it comes to communicating and engaging with your clients?

 Catherine Mattiske  06:31

Yeah, and I suppose that's one of the most important thing; is getting that engagement and being able to communicate with coaches, whether you're a leader coaching your team, or whether you're an external coach with your own business. And so the Inner Genius Profile offers coaches especially a really effective way to do that communication and engagement. And so the coach gets the data insights from the coaches profiles. So the idea is that the coach would do their profile, to know their own Archetype to get familiar with the tool to really understand the tools and the profile reports and things like that. And then the coachee, or coachees, the team, would do their profile. So once that coaches got that, they've got lots of data insights that they can use to personalize coaching conversations, they can evaluate and interpret that collected data. And they can then develop strategies for engaging with each coachee differently. 

 And that's the key to it is really personalizing those coaching conversations. And by doing so, coaches can really unlock, I suppose the potential of each coachee. Because what we want to do as coaches, across the board, the reason why we coach is we want to help people reach their goals quickly. And effectively. If you ask every coach, "why do you do this?" You're not just doing this because it pays the bills or whatever. There's an inner reason why people especially they have their own coaching practice, they want to help people. And this will help them with that data with that analytics that you get from the profile.

 Carl Richards  08:06

What are some of the benefits for leaders listening today who are coaching their team.

 Catherine Mattiske  08:10

So leaders are a little bit different to those external coaches. So leaders have got their job. And then they're also expected within that role to be coaching. And some leaders find it really tricky, because maybe they're just not natural born coaches. Right coaching is a skill as we all know. So the Inner Genius Profile is sort of like there as a support for them to really start to develop those tailored personalized conversations that meet the needs of every individual on their team. So, whether they're doing team coaching in a group, or whether they're doing one on one with a team member, they can really tailor those conversations to that person. 

 And again, the insights from the Inner Genius Profile are really easy to interpret, whether you're a leader in any sort of role, it's not heavy on the diagnostics. So, leaders can quickly look at where their team members profile and go "oh yeah I get that." And then start to personalize and craft those personalized conversations specific to each team member's really unique talents, strengths and motivators. Sort of back to that Katy Perry thing of find your own way, find your own wings, open your own door. And so that's what leaders can really start to unlock. But additionally, understanding the Inner Genius Archetype not only for themselves, like when the leaders do the profile, they understand their own Archetype. According to their report. They also understand other people's Archetype and sometimes they need that insight into their own communication style so that they can then start to say, "wow, that's why I've got some friction with that team member because we're wildly different." Or "that's why I have difficulty with that person because we're wildly different". 

 So the idea is that we create for leaders, what's called the Inner Genius Team Map. So let's say you're one of those leaders who answered our LinkedIn poll, and they had over 10 people, what we would do is say, "okay, whether you've got four people or whether you've got 10 people, or whether you've got 100, people will do a Team Map for you to show leaders who's who, who's got which Archetype." And then they know the best person then in their team for whatever tasks they're assigning. So we'd go with people's strengths. So that really gives people that deeper relationship with their team. And it also helps leaders help their team members get to their full potential, to reach their full potential.

 Carl Richards  10:46

And Melanie has posted some information in the chat, by the way about the Inner Genius Profile. So you can click on that and learn as we go or certainly tap into it later on. But, how does the Inner Genius Profile Catherine, how does it provide personalized coaching solutions?

 Catherine Mattiske  11:01

So this is all about being personalized. It's not just you know, a one size fits all. And as I said before, it's not just an assessment that you do online, you get a report and go, "Wow, that was interesting." The idea is, is that each coach themselves has that unique individual learning and communication preference. We know that and so each coach has their own personalized report. But then we shift the focus for coaches to say, what are the coachee's strengths, talents, motivators, and that helps coaches tailor those conversations to everybody's needs. 

 Give you an example. Let's say a coach has the Archetype of The Cartographer. So there's 12 Archetypes. So the coach as The Cartographer, is more likely to be providing solutions focused and action oriented advice. That's what cartographers do. But in contrast, the coachee might have, say, the profile of The Narrator. So The Narrator in the coachee, will likely focus on providing insights and talking things through and wanting their coach to share their wisdom and their insights and wanting their emotional needs met, to grow and to succeed. So you can see the disconnect. The coach is all about practicalities, the details, a roadmap for structure, but the coachee is all about the emotional connection, the insights, wants to listen to the coaches stories. 

 So chances are, they're not going to connect as well as they could. So by the coach understanding their Inner Genius Profile, helps those coaches better understand their own communication style. And then to be able to tailor and shift that conversation and personalize that conversation to say, rather than just dishing out the practicalities the details, the roadmaps, the structure of their own Archetype, In this case, The Cartographer. They say, "Okay, who am I coaching? Okay, today, I'm coaching whoever, and they're The Narrator. What are the needs of The Narrator." So then what they do is they say, "I'm going to shift my focus of my coachee into the things that jive with The Narrator." So The Narrator, they need all that wisdom and insight. And so the coach is more likely to share those stories to really ask about those emotional needs rather than just laying out roadmaps. 

 And so when you look at that, it's a completely different way of having that coach(ing) conversation. And so the idea is that when the coachee comes in to that conversation, they will best absorb the information, number one, and secondly, what all coaches want, what I want, when I'm coaching someone; is for them to take action. I don't want them to give me the blahblah of "yeah, Catherine. That sounds good. And yeah, okay, I'll get on to that." And then they come back to the next session, "how have you gone?" "I didn't do it." So, what we want is for them to absorb the information, get it, and then take action. That's what we want as coaches. And so the Inner Genius Profile helps with that personalized coaching to make that happen more often.

 Carl Richards  14:23

And I think as coaches too that, most of us- all say us, most of us think that we're getting through, that we're using the right language that we're using examples that, you know, we've learned over the years through, you know, various other coaching or coaches that we've learned from, but we're not necessarily using that language, which makes the Inner Genius Profile very unique to this type of coaching, this way of looking at it. 

 There are so many assessments on the market. There's Myers Briggs, for example. MBTI, which came out 1914, DiSC came out in the 1940s, I did Colors when I was in the insurance worlds, I don't want to say how many years ago that was, but what sets the Inner Genius Profile apart from all of these? Because all of these are almost the gospel, or these are the gold standards within this. But what makes the Inner Genius Profile so different?

 Catherine Mattiske  15:17

Yeah. And you're absolutely right, like Myers Briggs 1914, over 100 years ago. You know, 1940s, that was how many years ago 80 years ago. Okay, that's a long time. And even the most recent assessments, like Strengths Finders, was released in 2001. And it's still really popular today. But 2001, that was like over 20 years ago. And if you're of a certain age, you go "wow, that was like yesterday." But what's different today is the neuroscience that's available today. And the chaotic networks of our brain of these billions of electrically pulsating neurons in our cells that are there with us 24 hours a day have perplexed scientists for centuries. But, in the last 10 years, since 2010, the last 13 years, our understanding of this mysterious organ inside our skull has exploded through science. And in the last 10 to 20 years, neuroscientists have made groundbreaking discoveries. And this is what I do I look at this science and go, "how can I operationalize the science?" 

 Science is great with scientists in labs and so on. But how can I take this and put this into the hands of people who want to just do things better? So let's have a think about some of these discoveries, because, let me just go through some of these, because I think they're amazing. And so we know things about identifying single gene defects that contribute to neurological disorders that we never knew before. We know now how the brain reacts to social stimuli. We never knew that before. We know now that uncovering the biochemical processes that determines how memories are formed and accessed, we didn't know that 10 years ago, we didn't know about brain mapping. And we didn't know all about the funny things with memory. How neural circuitry stores a given recollection before 2005, we thought that memories were written on our brains like ink on paper. That's what we thought, we now know that instead, memories are more like they're inscribed in clay. And each time you access that memory, it can get smudge, just like if you can imagine a clay tablet might be if you put it up and you run your fingers over it that surface smudges and ongoing biochemical processes cause memories to shift over time. It's not just your mum and dad who can't remember things you go, "you can't remember that?" They have a different version of things. It's not just them, okay? It's not just your family being crazy. It's true. 

 And so this is ongoing biochemical processes that cause these memories to shift over time. So, our mindsets and our emotions can influence what we pay attention to, and what we remember. And there's these new things, and I could go on all day about this, but there's this new thing called glial cells, and it's G L I A L cells; glial cells. Now, glial cells for a long time have had a really bad rap that unlike neurons in your brain, they don't communicate electrically. And for centuries, scientists have dismissed these abundant brain cells as like packaging material that perform the brand's housekeeping functions. So they had a really bad rap. They were thought to be unimportant, dull compared to the exciting neurons that are buzzing around in your brain. And yet new imaging methods that have only come out in the last few years, have finally created opportunities for scientists to really interrogate these brain cells. And what they found was that glial cells are pivotal to many essential brain functions, including two things, the things that I'm interested in; memory and learning. So it's really a new frontier. They're not at all like neurons are far more complicated and far more diverse. 

 And so another piece that people have been talking about is this neuroplasticity. And the brain is highly malleable even into adulthood. And so 15 years ago, scientists thought that the brain was really only highly malleable in infancy and early childhood. And it was really resistant to change thereafter. Now, that now we know has now over this last decade, the last 10 years, turned into this idea of neuroplasticity adult plasticity. And that's been exploited. And we see that on our phones every day with brain training apps. Brain training apps, are the exploitation of the science of this adult plasticity. And you might have one on your phone right now that you go, "I do those brain training apps." They weren't around, because that whole idea of your brain can change and your brain is different as you get older, is brand new. 

 So Inner Genius, coming back to Inner Genius is backed by the latest learning and communication science that didn't exist when other profiles were launched. It's a scientifically based assessment that if you are using a scientifically based assessment, now, that's a key thing. There's a lot of assessments out there that are just somebody decided to create it. But if it's scientifically based, and it's more than 15 years old, then the creators of those assessments, those profiles, could not have benefited from the latest science. And so there's also many that are not scientifically backed. So what stands out about the profile that I've done is that Inner Genius really starts to identify those innate talents, the strengths and motivators all based on science. And that gives coaches out there the latest science to work with, and develop the relationships with their clients, with their team, by really getting way beneath the surface of just an interesting report. 

 So that was a little science lesson, and I could go on for all day, but that's not what this audience is about. But it really is important for people to know, the strides that have been made by incredibly smart people all over the world, neuroscientists that are dishing out all this amazing stuff. And that is at our disposal now.

 Carl Richards  22:11

In a nutshell, Catherine, how can someone use their Inner Genius Profile to uncover their fullest potential?

 Catherine Mattiske  22:17

The first thing is to say “is every coachee, is every coach, is every team member, is every leader working to their fullest potential?” Chances are, the answer is no. Even if they're at 90% of their fullest potential, what would be the difference to making them 95%, 96%, 98%? What would be the difference in that person, what would be the difference to their contribution to the organization. So it really is about saying, "what is at the core of people, and what can help them to drive them to succeed and motivate them to reach their goals." So by understanding your own Inner Genius, as a coach, as a leader, allows you to develop that really authentic connection, firstly, with yourself with your true self, but also helping other people to connect with their true self as well, their Inner Genius, giving them much greater control over their life and helping them to reach their full potential. 

 So I would say that's the first thing to say, "how is my team going? Who's Who on my team?" And even you can do it in your own mind now, like, "who's Who on my team? Are they really working at their fullest potential? Are they working in their Genius Zone most days, most often?" And you'll know the answer to that, and chances are, you're not getting 100% across the board. If you are, then Happy Days! Tell me how you do that. How you get 100% of the people 100% of the time in their Genius Zone. That's a gift if you're a leader doing that, because chances are you've got people all over the place.  

 Carl Richards  24:00

What techniques and tools then do coaches need to best tap into their Inner Genius and achieve success with their clients?

 Catherine Mattiske  24:09

So I suppose the first thing is that once you've got that profile report in hand, you can really start to say, "okay, how do I personalize these conversations? How do I tailor my next coaching session to every individual coachees individual needs?" And you can use that data and the insights there, and you can quickly develop strategies because one of the things that I've done in the profile is lay out- and in my book, which is actually part of the Toolkit, when you get your profile, you also get within the Vault, we call it the Inner Genius Vault of your personalized materials, in there is a copy of my book, Unlock Inner Genius and in that there's all 12 Archetypes all laid out. Here's how you communicate with every Archetype. 

 Okay, so you've got your own report, but here's the general scope of things. So when someone presents to you, and they've done, there's, their profile, and they're different to you, you can go to the book, and it's all laid out there for you. So you can really quickly develop strategy to say, "okay, how do I hook those people in? What's their goal? How can I help them to get there really quickly and effectively." So it's all about cultivating those personalized relationships, getting that trust, because once you're doing that your trust elevates, and you're really getting into that long term success idea.

 Carl Richards  25:31

Let me ask you this question, what are the different Inner Genius Archetypes? And I know we don't have a ton of time to go deep into it, but in a shorter time as possible? What are the different types of Inner Genius Archetypes?

 Catherine Mattiske  25:40

So, there's 12, primary Inner Genius Archetypes, but additionally, there's six Power-ups. So those Power-ups, think of those as like an accelerator to get you into your Genius Zone. So all up, there's 72 different combinations of Inner Genius Profiles. So even if you're leading a team of 100 people, chances are you've got people all over the map to navigate through. So there's the 12, Inner Genius Archetypes, and six Power-ups. So that makes that 72 different combinations. So when you open your Vault, after you do your profile, you're in one of 72 Vaults. So the behind the scenes of this is incredibly complicated and so complex, but we've made it that way so that you get that personalized idea of exactly what's happening.

 Carl Richards  26:32

Phenomenal. Wow. Ooh! Wow, I'm on fire Catherine, I know you are too. So let's keep the conversation going. Because one of the most important things to coaches, I think, is to be able to quickly evaluate and interpret the data collected through the profile. Right? So how can coaches use that data from the Inner Genius Profile? How can they use that data to gain insights to their team or their clients unique strengths and motivators?

 Catherine Mattiske  26:59

Yeah, absolutely. Because that data will help you as a coach to better pinpoint the most effective way to communicate with that person. We ran another poll, Carl, in the last couple of weeks on LinkedIn. I was just kind of interested in the data. And the question was really simple: "what makes a coach successful?" Four answers: Setting clear goals, Building relationships, Developing strategies, or Encouraging growth. What do you think, Carl was the lowest? Setting goals, Building relationships, Developing strategies or Encouraging growth? What do you think was the lowest?

 Carl Richards  27:36

Developing strategies?

 Catherine Mattiske  27:38


 Carl Richards  27:38


 Catherine Mattiske  27:39

Yeah, and yet for me, yeah, 2% And yet for me, I go in with clients and I go, "right, let's look at your strategies. Let's lay it out as a plan." Why do I do that? Because I love that. I love a strategy. I love a plan. Give me a Gantt Chart, give me a flow- give me a Miro Board with a flowchart on it, I'm your girl, right? I'm in. And that- 2%! What do you think the highest was? Setting clear goals, Building relationships or Encouraging growth?

 Carl Richards  27:42


 Catherine Mattiske  28:08

Building relationships? No, encouraging growth. Encouraging growth! So people want growth, people want to say, "I am actually going in that place that helps me live my best life, right?" 36% Encouraging growth. So you know, when you finish that coaching session, and you think "they've got it!" Okay? And then next time you meet, they haven't progressed or actioned, anything you talk about. By putting the coach in the coachee's shoes, like the ultimate empathy, and communicating their way, not your way that will maximize your effectiveness and communicating in the coachee's Archetype, is the secret key to success. 

 So it is about saying, "what does that person need? How do I switch on that person? How do I get them to unlock their Inner Genius? Not in the way that resonates with me or not that I've done in the last three coaching sessions, but truly altering your language, the words that you say into the coachee's Archetype. As a coach, that is a skill that has to be learned, you are not born with that skill. It is a skill to be learned. And so, that's where coaches are going with this.

 Carl Richards  28:25

Right, right. Let's move on, Catherine to how coaches can develop effective strategies for personalizing conversations. How can people listening today get the tools for personalizing those conversations? It's really crucial.

 Catherine Mattiske  29:43

Well it's really easy. The first thing is, when you do your profile, you get the Toolkit. Okay, so that's got the book, as I said, the Unlock Inner Genius book in it. You also get, in that Toolkit, the Inner Genius Wheel tool, and that tool has been the block-buster tool. And so people get that in their Toolkit, they can't believe they've got this tool because that helps them map out conversations. So that's in the Toolkit. And also, when you go into the Inner Genius programs, many of those programs include a tool called The Archetype Translator Tool. So that helps you to- with those one on one conversations, translating your own, as a coach, your own natural language into your coachees language. And that's the skill that I was talking about. 

 So reach out to me or the Inner Genius team. And we'll help you choose a program that's right for you go to the website, have a look around. But by all means, it's really about diagnosing the best solution for you. So if you're an external coach, if you've got your own organization, just let me know via LinkedIn or via- however, you can get in touch with me by the website, and I'll jump on a call with you and help you there. If you're a leader in an organization. Again, reach out to me, because every solution is different for every organization, because we personalize the solution so that you can personalize what you're doing out there as well with your team.

 Carl Richards  31:11

Let's switch to Design Techniques and Tools to Best Motivate and Engage Each Client. What techniques and tools can coaches use then, to motivate and engage their team or their clients based on the Inner Genius Profile?

 Catherine Mattiske  31:23

So I think that whole thing around motivation is the key to it. And people say, "I have to motivate my team." Well, that's actually, you know, physically impossible, you can't motivate anyone, they've got to motivate themselves. So all you can do is put the fuel under them to say "this is the fuel that will motivate them." And so knowing that, what is that hook to engage them? You know, when we look across corporate America, corporate world, across the board, you know, we see that engagement being really low, especially off the back of COVID. We see people making different choices with their life now, we see them being motivated by different things. Like all that changed, when you have the pandemic. And I know that lots of people don't talk about that anymore. But that's a pivotal shift in our society. 

 So if you're in a coaching role, and you're saying, "okay, we need to use these techniques and tools, how do I get that? You know, how do I motivate a team? For example? How do I engage with that team? How do I engage one on one with people?" The Inner Genius Profile can help you to do that. Let's say for example, you're in a group coaching situation, okay? So what you would do is say, each coach then would do their own profile. So it starts off with the coach or it starts off with the leader. Know who you are first, if you're the coach, do your profile. If you're the leader, do your own profile, get into the Vault and say, "okay, this is me. I get where my Genius Zone is, I understand myself, I understand the language that I use." Because now all of a sudden, you realize that you may be speaking English, but there's actually 12 versions of that according to your Inner Genius Archetype. So one Archetype will use different words to another Archetype to hook in and resonate. 

 So I've worked that out of 12 languages that these Inner Genius Archetypes each use, Okay? So, my Archetype is The Futurist. And so my Archetype is very different to say, The Narrator's Archetype. So my language is different to The Narrator's. So the first thing to do is to understand you. So if you're in a group coaching session, you say, "whoa, hang on a second, I got my whole team to do this." Let's say I've got a team of 10. They've all got different profiles. And chances are they will, because there's 72 different results, right? So chances are, they will, so then we'll help you to do the Team Map. We do that for you, we don't charge you for that, we just say "okay, who's in your team?" We go back through our database of who's done their profile, and we're identifying who's in your team. And we pulled together a Team Map. So, we do that for you. So now, as a leader, or as a group coach, you now know who's who. So then in those sessions, what you can do is to prepare for those sessions to coach you would use the Inner Genius Wheel, which is the tool that's actually in your Vault when you have your profile. And that means that your coaching of that group coaching or maybe it's a team meeting, you will be able to plan that coaching session out, one of the 12 Archetypes are being hooked in, in one conversation in one coaching conversation in one team meeting. 

 Then when you're doing individual sessions, what you can do is really target in to that person's unique strengths, their unique talents by using their Inner Genius Profile, and you can tailor those conversations. And that's where I've created The Archetype translated tool. And as I said before, there's 50 tools like more than 50 tools across all of the programs. They're just two the Inner Genius Wheel and The Archetype Translator Tool. And so by using the techniques by using the Tools, okay, I don't leave you high and dry going, "how am I going to do this?" Use the tools to really help you as a coach to be better equipped to get that deeper connection with your team or with your clients. In order to help them- remember the end goal is to reach their full potential. Unlock what's inside of them right then. Like that Katy Perry song, you got to listen to that song, Google the lyrics, read the lyrics. It's actually genius, right? You want to unlock the full potential. And so that's what this is about.

 Carl Richards  35:33

All Catherine just wrap up with what's the best way to get a hold of her. Because I know people might want to connect with you after today, they most likely will. So how do they do that?

 Catherine Mattiske  35:42

There's lots of ways. The easiest way is go to my LinkedIn profile Catherine Mattiske, go to my LinkedIn profile, send me a message, connect with me, and say, "hey, Catherine, do you want to have a coffee chat? And I'll help you if you're an external coach, you might want to become a GQ partner, where you then put the Inner Genius Profile into your client groups, you might want to do that. You might be a leader in an organization and saying, "okay, here's my team, or here's my entire organization, how do we get this in the best way. So I'll come to a coffee chat with you. That's completely no obligation, no charge. 

 The second thing we have is a LinkedIn group called the Genius Zone. This is a members group here, free to join, it's a LinkedIn group, just subscribe to that. You can also subscribe to the GQ Playbook that's on LinkedIn as well. And I write a newsletter to LinkedIn each week on the GQ playbook that then gets published to our GQ Academy. And so we've got website. So if you want to see all the programs or get through the profile, or whatever you need to get, but if you want to have a look at that, it's is the website and The Academy right now, we've set up the GQ Academy, free to join. So look, there's lots of ways to connect with me. I love having the virtual coffees over Zoom. I love that. So come to a virtual coffee meeting and I'm just happy to chat.

 Carl Richards  35:51

Catherine is a phenomenal individual to chat with. And it's a pleasure joining you again, Catherine today. And thank you for joining us. Today we discussed how coaches can use the Inner Genius Profile to foster relationships and success. By getting to know each individual's unique strengths, talents and motivators. Coaches can tailor conversations to help their team or clients reach their full potential. So the Inner Genius Profile will really help you on that journey to doing that. So once again, Catherine, thank you for your wisdom, your insights, your everything that you've shared with us today. Thank you. Thank you so much.

 Catherine Mattiske  37:40

Thanks, Carl!

 Carl Richards  37:40

Thank you for joining us in the Genius Zone. We hope this episode has ignited your Inner Genius. If you liked what you heard today, leave us a comment or review and remember to follow Catherine on social media. Until next time, stay curious, stay inspired and continue exploring the Genius Zone!