The Genius Zone - Unlock Your Inner Genius

Ep. 5 – Increase Your Impact: Taking Your Influence to the Next Level

Catherine Mattiske Season 1 Episode 5

This week, Catherine takes you through the three key pillars for success: recognizing your Inner Genius and the power of your influence, identifying what you can do to make a bigger impact, and creating an action plan to move forward.

By the end of this episode, you will have confidence in leveraging your Inner Genius and learning how to use it to reach success. You'll have the tools necessary to take your influence to the next level.

Tune in and learn how to:

  • Acknowledge your Inner Genius and discover its hidden potential.
  • Identify your strengths and weaknesses to enhance your influence.
  • Use the Genius Zone for maximum impact.
  • Extend your circle of influence through networking, mentoring, and other relationships.

 Unlock your Inner Genius and discover your Archetype today!

After taking your Inner Genius Profile, you’ll gain access to the Toolkit in your GQ Vault, including your 50-Page Profile Report, a full copy of Catherine’s Book ‘Unlock Inner Genius’, The Inner Genius Wheel Tool, Spotify Playlist, Alexa Skills, Store Vouchers and more!


Interested to learn HOW to use the Inner Genius Wheel Tool?

Three GQ Programs that teach the Network Influence Map:

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Catherine Mattiske, best known for creating ID9 Intelligent Design & the Genius Quotient (GQ), is a leading light in the corporate learning & team-building industries. She regularly works with large & small organizations to help team members better understand one another while effectively collaborating & boosting individual & team morale & productivity in the workplace.

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Catherine Mattiske, Carl Richards, Jayce Grayye

Carl Richards  00:04

Welcome to the Genius Zone. This podcast is all about how to unlock your Inner Genius, from tapping into your inner knowledge and creativity to learning new skills and techniques. Please welcome your host of the Genius Zone and creator of the Inner Genius Profile, Catherine Mattiske. This podcast episode is taken from a previous live event.

Jayce Grayye  00:26

Let's get this show on the road, everybody. I hope everybody here, if you're looking to extend your Circle of Influence, if you want to tap into your Inner Genius, and you want to reach that next level with ease, you know, this hour long conversation here, we're gonna be impacting your influence here. So this right here is going to be a step-by-step guide with Catherine will take you through the three key pillars for success. We're gonna recognize your Inner Genius and the power of your influence, and identifying what can you do to make a bigger impact. And creating this action plan to move forward. So by the end of this session, our goal here is going to be for you to have more confidence in leveraging your Inner Genius, and learning how to use it and reach it for success. You'll have the tools necessary for you to take your influence to that next level. 

And what we're going to be going over here today is we're going to be acknowledging your Inner Genius, discovering its hidden potential, we're also gonna be talking about helping identify your strengths, weaknesses to enhance your influence. Most importantly, we're going to provide guidance on how to use the Genius Zone for maximum impact. And as well showing you how to extend your Circle of Influence through the networking, mentoring and other relationships. So with that guidance of Catherine Mattiske, you're going to be able to unlock and discover how to make a difference in the world. So I thank you so much for joining us and letting us on this journey today for us talk about the Genius Zone. 

And let's get this show on the road. So with that being said, you know, on your end you've written already over 31 books, right? What inspired you to do these things specifically?

Catherine Mattiske  01:55

Well, there's two books out of that Jayce, that really link to today's topic, which is Influence For Opportunity, and also Unlock Inner Genius. My primary goal with both of these books, is to help people unlock their true potential, and to create better opportunities for themselves. Now in Influence For Opportunity, I explore how to use people's influence, how you can open the doors to success. While in Unlock Inner Genius, that focuses on helping readers tap into their tremendous resources within them. Now, each book has their own unique message. But the overall themes of unlocking your potential and creating opportunity run throughout both books. Ultimately, my mission in both of those books and genuinely in my work is to inspire other people to take control of their lives and make something out of it that they're proud of. And really to unlock that Inner Genius.

Jayce Grayye  02:52

What are the names for those two books?

Catherine Mattiske  02:54

So, the first one is Influence For Opportunity. And the second is Unlock Inner Genius.

Jayce Grayye  03:01

Okay, And if anybody wanted to get those books, how can we get a hold of those books right now?

Catherine Mattiske  03:06

So both of those are available as ebooks on GQ Academy. And so you can get those with some additional tools that come with the ebooks, or you can get the hardcover paperback from any bookseller.

Jayce Grayye  03:20

Okay, so just to make sure everybody heard that, if you want those books, we're gonna be dropping in into the audio comment box right there, I think Mel's gonna be dropping it in there shortly. But if you guys want to get a hold of those ebooks, we're gonna be dropping in there, and there's still some golden nuggets in there. So with that being said, Catherine, what inspired you to create the Inner Genius and the GQ, Genius Quotient?

Catherine Mattiske  03:41

So I created Inner Genius and GQ to help people discover their own Inner Genius, which I believe is the key to unlocking true potential. And after working with so many top performers in my business, and I have a training practice that I have had for my businesses, 29 years last week, in fact, I saw that having an intimate understanding of someone's own capabilities and strengths was really the first step for success. Now I developed GQ as the tool to help people better understand their own unique place in the world, their own gifts, and to use them to discover new opportunities. So what I'm finding is that by understanding people's own individual Inner Genius, people can develop an edge in whatever area of life they wish to pursue. Now that edge could be in business, that edge could be in their personal life. It could be in their family, whatever area of their life, they want to pursue, business or otherwise, that's what gives them the edge.

Jayce Grayye  04:46

Yeah and it makes sense. You're basically focusing on your strengths, that's all we're focusing on and you're able to run at it 100 miles per hour. Right?

Catherine Mattiske  04:54

Absolutely. Forget your weaknesses. Let's face it, they're too hard to deal with right? And everyone on the line today, we all have strengths. And we all have weaknesses. Weaknesses are really hard to patch up and change. But strengths are really easy to maximize and really just blow up. And that's where your Inner Genius comes in. Just do what you really good at and do more of that and do less of what you're not good. It's really basic logic.

Jayce Grayye  05:20

Yeah, no, and it makes perfect sense. So in a nutshell, what is someone's Inner Genius.

Catherine Mattiske  05:24

So, I believe everyone has this thing called Inner Genius, because if you look across people's lives, every one of us is really good at something. And that might be something to do with work. But it might be something to do with their personal life and interests that they may have. So Inner Genius is all about helping people learn to embrace and maximize that incredible power that lies within each one of us. So I've created- so the how of this is, how do I know what that is? So I created the Inner Genius Profile to help people unlock this. And it's really about developing your own internal resources and finding the courage to seize those opportunities no matter what they may be. And ultimately, as I said before, my mission is to help people unlock their Inner Genius, and use it to create better opportunities for themselves and everyone around them, whether that's their team, or their friends or their family, whether they're in a leadership position or not. But by understanding that power of communication, and today's topic is all about influencing others, we can really unlock those unique gifts and talents within us. And we can go ahead and create meaningful change in our lives, and ultimately, in the world.

Jayce Grayye  06:42

I love that it's like you're creating such a high impact. And how has communication really played a role in helping you achieve such influence and success?

Catherine Mattiske  06:51

For me you mean? My influence?  Yeah, so I think communication is, you know, the foundation, it's essential for any success endeavor, both personally and professional. And for me, it's been instrumental in helping me reach my own goals and achieve success and being able to effectively communicate with people, which is not easy, right? It's a skill. And a lot of people never learned that skill. And I've had to teach myself that skill over all these years of working with, you know, 1000s of people. It's enabled me to form those strong relationships and build those meaningful connections. 

But it's also enabled me to better understand people and just say, you know, everyone's doing their own thing, you know, you do you, that's fine. And I help them to reach their own goals. But for me, that whole idea of effective communication has been essential in helping me disseminate my message. Like, how do I get my message out to the world? How do I share my ideas? How do I inspire others to take action, that effective communication is the building blocks to influence and without that ability to communicate effectively, none of my life would be possible, you know, as far as my professional life goes. And that doesn't stop with just my professional life that's with my family, with my friends, and so on. 

And so for me, I think communication is the most powerful tool, and I believe so strongly in its ability to help us achieve that success. And yet, we all communicate all day, every day, often not having the insight of how to communicate for more impact. So like, how do we actually do that? And that's the key word; how. You know, we all say, "Oh, yes, we're all good at communication". Are we? How do we communicate better for more impact, and ultimately, Jayce, I think communication is the key that we can use to unlock those really meaningful connections with people around us and unlocking that Inner Genius. Unlocking our true potential, it all starts with communication and influence.

Jayce Grayye  06:54

Yeah. In a world that we live in today really is all about influence and communication. So what specific strategies do you recommend for leveraging our audience, you know, and Inner Genius to make an impact?

Catherine Mattiske  09:02

Firstly, the key is to just say, "you know what? Expanding my influence lies in effective communication." Because if we look at the great influencers of the world, you know, the leaders of the world, the elders of the world, one thing they all have in common is they're all great influencers. The other thing they all have in common is they are great communicators. And we need to focus ourselves on building relationships with our target audience in mind. Now, that could be your team at work, it could be your boss at work, it could be your customers or your clients, it could be your potential clients, whoever it is, but understanding you know, really what makes them tick, their motivators, their needs, their interests. 

And once we've established that relationship, and that's the first key point how do we establish that relationship, we can begin to explore more ways of creating content and communication content that speaks to them in an engaging and really relevant manner like, why should they listen to us? Why should anyone listen to me on LinkedIn? I have nearly 16,000 connections on LinkedIn. Why do I have that? You know, because I'm posting videos and podcasts and blog posts and social media updates that are connecting with people. And I'm not just doing it because I'm just, you know, pushing out content. But why are people listening to me? And through these channels, and LinkedIn is a perfect example, we're here on LinkedIn today. But it's a perfect example, to share our message in a way that resonates with the audience. 

And that audience might be this audience. But it also could be your team that you're leading at work, where you're really saying, I want to provide value to you and inspire them to take action. What- why should they listen to you? There, there's a lot of noise out there. So we need to focus on learning how to influence the behavior of our audience, or team or whoever it is through these really persuasive techniques. And you know, people say, well, there's stories and analogies and metaphors that we can use and they're a good building block. And we can start to master these techniques really easily as our first step. And we can create that content, we can create that message that's persuasive and motivating, rather than merely informative. 

So if you think about like your leadership presentation, is it persuasive and motivating to get people to take action? Or is it just the monthly update that you're sending out which everyone goes "oh yeah, boring snore fest, it's just facts and figures." That's boring and people just don't tune into that. They may have 20 years ago, maybe 10 years ago, but now the noise of the world, Jayce, you got to cut through that. So we're learning to be influential learning those techniques is a skill. And then you can say, "well am I being as persuasive as I can be? Am I being as motivating as I can be?" Because they will go and tune into someone else. If it's not you, they're tuning into someone else,

Jayce Grayye  12:02

It makes perfect sense. And I love it. And for anybody out here that's tuning in, and is really enjoying it, Catherine, as we're seeing here, the listeners are just picking up and picking up, let's go ahead and make sure everybody here is sharing with those in their network that they think that could get the same amount of value out of there. And if you haven't done so make sure you're following all these great listeners on stage here. So with that being said, Catherine, what is really your approach to influencing a diverse audience to take action?

Catherine Mattiske  12:26

So, I work globally? And people say, Well, you know, globally, we're all pretty similar, I can tell you that we're really different. So I'm in Australia right now. And for those of you that are just checking the time, yes, I am live. And yes, it's crazy o'clock. But I work with lots of different diverse audiences across Europe, across America, all over the world. And my approach to unlocking and expanding influence not only for myself, but for my clients, is predicated on the basis that recognizing the power of the audience's Inner Genius Archetypes. 

So for those of you that are not familiar with my work in Inner Genius, by understanding how to identify number one, address and influence number two, and three, each of the 12 distinct Inner Genius Archetypes within a given audience, it's possible to create highly effective messages that deeply resonate with them. Now, the first step of this is to know that out of the 12 Archetypes, each one of us is one of them. So if I'm talking to someone who is similar to me my own Archetype or close to me, I'm probably fairly influential, I'm speaking their language and so on. But what about the other 11? So if I'm looking at an audience, like today's audience, you know, out of 100 people, eight people are speaking my language. What about the others? What about the other 92 for every 12 people? 11 people are not hooking into my message. Now, that is shocking. Okay. And for many of you listening to this, I'm hoping that you're shocked by that, because you might be thinking, "Oh, I just sent an email today to my entire team. There's 20 people on my team, ah, probably two people really hooked into it. That's shocking." Or I might have a company with 1000 employees, 10,000 employees, 100,000 employees. I work with companies that have over a million employees and leaders send out messages to all employees and only one in 12 is truly hooked into your natural language. Now that is depressing. Jayce, like that is absolutely depressing.

Jayce Grayye  14:42

Agreed on you with that. So if you haven't taken the assessment to know your Inner Genius Archetype Catherine, where can they find it for them to be able to take it? 

Catherine Mattiske  14:50

So let's get the link up into the comments and you can go to the Genius Quotient so and immediately there you can just take your profile. Now the profile takes, you know, five or 10 minutes, Jayce. It's a very complicated algorithm. So I don't want to tie people up for 30 or 40 minutes asking 100 questions like old fashioned assessments. It's a very complicated algorithm. And it's chances are that no two people will see the same questions. But you get to your result really quickly, you then open up what we call your Inner Genius Vault, and that is filled to the brim of materials. So it's got your report in there, we've developed a Spotify playlist for each Archetype so that you can get into that Inner Genius Zone, there's Alexa skills, my entire book is in the vault as well, which we give you when you do your profile. So if you're thinking of buying, Unlock Inner Genius, don't do that, I just sent the link before, but do your profile, and you get that included. So just go to And it's right there.

Jayce Grayye  15:53

You heard it everybody, if you haven't done so already, you could go ahead and take it there. And Catherine, what other methods do you employ to make sure that you're reaching your entire audience?

Catherine Mattiske  16:03

So the first thing is that recognition of the fact that you are 1 out of 12 Inner Genius Archetypes, and in fact, within Inner Genius, there's 72 different results. So that's never made it more complicated, especially for leaders who are listening today. Like if you've got a team of 100, chances are only a couple of them have the same exact profile, because there's actually 72 results. But within that there's the 12 Inner Genius Archetypes. So there's a tool that I developed, because it's like, I get it that people go well, how do I do this? Like Catherine? It's all very well telling me this, but how do I do it? I've got a presentation coming up, or I've got an email going out to my entire team. How do I do this, so I created this tool called the Inner Genius Wheel. And that ensures that all 12 Inner Genius Archetypes are addressed and hooked in during one presentation or one written communication. Now the wheel helps me break down my message for each Archetype by taking into its respective traits and communication styles. And then to craft really meaningful messages that speak to each one of them. 

Now, this approach gives me and a whole lot of other people confidence that I need to ensure that no Archetype that no one is overlooked, and that everyone in my audience feel seen, heard, and I suppose valued as well. So by leveraging that power of their Inner Genius Archetype, I can create a more unified and engaging experience for everyone. And so when I look at the demographic of my audience, I don't need to know necessarily who's who. I don't need to know the Archetype, It's certainly an advantage. You know, when we work with teams, leaders know the Archetype of every one of their team members, and each team member knows each other's Archetype. That's a massive advantage. But as step one, by using the wheel, it means that I can craft that message for everyone. And it's really simple to do. I provide the words every way through, like there's lots of ways to what I call cheat from the wheel, you just simply follow the steps and you will get what I refer to as Balanced Communication. 

So a balanced presentation, a balanced written piece of communication, that's going out to a group that really hooks in on all of those Archetypes and coming back to the profile, Jayce, when you do your profile, in the vault, when you go into your vault, after you've done your profile, the Inner Genius Wheel is part of that vault. And also, a lot of people are signing up to our GQ masterclass, and that's also heavily weighted. And Jayce, I know that you did that program as well. And there's a few people on the call today that have done GQ masterclass. And that goes through the real ins and outs of using the Inner Genius Wheel as well.

Jayce Grayye  18:59

Yeah, and it's extremely powerful if you're able to get in the master class and also do the Archetype. Just really understanding who you are, what your strengths are, like when Catherine was talking earlier about just knowing what your full on strengths are, I think that's pivotable. Especially when you're either in business or you're an employee or whatever the case is, you're trying to maximize your productivity on any given day. And Catherine, how can we really create meaningful relationships and networks to expand you know, any Circle of Influence?

Catherine Mattiske  19:26

Well, the whole concept of Circle of Influence was first popularized by Stephen Covey. And according to Covey, we're all connected through a network of relationships and our influence is based on those connections. And when you look at that model, and if you don't know that model, just go to Seven Habits of Highly Effective People and have a look at that Circle of Influence model and create meaningful relationships and extend your Circle of Influence is really important to build these strong networks with individuals who are influential in a particular field. Another tool that we use in our training programs is the Inner Genius Network Influence Map, which builds on Covey's work of the Circle of Influence. And it's a great tool, which helps you to visualize and track your connections with important people in your life. 

Now, with the Network Influence Map, you can identify key influencers in your network. And then you can develop strategies for connecting and engaging with them, you can then monitor progress over time and measure the effectiveness of your outreach. Now, that could be if you're in marketing, or perhaps you're an entrepreneur or a business owner, that could be outreach to potentially new clients or people that you want to collaborate with. Within an organization, your Network Influence Map might be of internal people, perhaps areas that you want to develop into other areas of the business or influential people within the organization, or perhaps external to the organization who you want to bring into your Circle of Influence. By leveraging these power of relationships, you can make those valuable connections that help you unlock and expand your Circle of Influence. So without a plan, you know, it's pretty hard to go "Oh, I'm going to be more influential." You actually need a bit of a plan. And the Network Influence Map helps you to visualize that plan.

Jayce Grayye  21:19

Honestly, when I saw that map, for the first time, it was like following a path everything's laid out for you. So honestly, I can see easily either leaders, business owners, or really anybody taking leverage of that. So with that being said, Catherine, how can a leader a business owner, an entrepreneur, use that network of influence map?

Catherine Mattiske  21:37

Yeah, so it's really about that identifying and building relationships in your field. And you can map out those relationships, as I said, between you and your contacts to firstly better understand who's influential in your network. And then you can go about strategically targeting the right people and building those stronger connections with them. 

Now, of course, there's tools to do this. Like if you're doing that externally to your business, you know, obviously, the best tool of that is LinkedIn, and LinkedIn, have all of those tools to say, "I want to find this specific group of people." There's no better tool on the market than LinkedIn to do that right now. But even internally, you can say, "Okay, who do I want to strategically target?" Maybe you say, "I've got to really accelerate my career. I want that next step up, who do I need to have that influence over, bringing them into my Circle of Influence, so that I can then take that position and go up?" 

Additionally, though, the Network Influence Map helps you to monitor your progress over time, so that you can be measuring your effectiveness of your efforts. So you don't just do it one day and say, "oh, well, you know, I reached out and nothing much happened and was put back in the drawer." But by leveraging these meaningful relationships, leaders, business owners, and entrepreneurs, whatever your role is, right now you can unlock and expand your Circle of Influence, and then that will help you further your own goals.

 Jayce Grayye  23:04

And with that being said, Catherine, which Inner Genius program can actually teach the network of influence. I know, there's three programs; there's The Sales Genius, The Executive Program and Discover Your Genius Quotient, which is the professional program, which one would teach the Network Influence Map the best?

Catherine Mattiske  23:19

They all have them in. So each of our programs has a toolkit, and that Network Influence Map is in each of those three programs. Now, across the board of all the programs, there's over 50, five-zero, tools that I've created for Inner Genius. When you do your profile, you get the Inner Genius Wheel. That's your first tool that you get. When you come on to GQ masterclass, there's two tools. When you come into each of these flagship programs, and you can find them on our website, and maybe we can get the links up to those three, when you come into Sales Genius, you get your Sales Toolkit, the Executive Program, the Executive Toolkit, DGQ, as we call it, Discover Your Genius Quotient for professionals for general, professional people, you get your DGQ Toolkit. So each of the big programs have their own toolkit, that Network Influence Map is in those three that you mentioned, Sales Genius, Executive and DGQ Professional.

Jayce Grayye  23:20

So when it comes to relationships, how do relationships really contribute then to success? Because it does sound like it's quite a bit a lot here.

Catherine Mattiske  24:23

Here's the thing, right? You can't really influence people if you don't have that relationship. And you know, in social media, they talk about, you know, they need to know, like and trust you, okay? That's a relationship, even if you've never met the person, it's still a relationship. And so by building these meaningful relationships with the right people, and that's the key with the right people, not the wrong people. Surround yourself with the right people. That will help you to access the new opportunities, to gain that valuable advice, that insight from other people, to discover their perspective. You know, by asking people for their unique perspective, finding the support that you need, finding the inspiration you need, and then you can then support people, you can then inspire people. And these strong relationships can also provide that sense of belonging and connection. And I think that is the one thing that we all need, right? 

Right now, in this world, I think it's universal, that we need that sense of belonging, we need that sense of connection, it helps boosts our own morale, it helps foster collaboration. Ultimately, the quality of your relationships play that most important role on how successful you are in achieving your goals. And I strongly believe that. And I'll say that again, ultimately, the quality of your relationships with people who you are associating with, they are playing the most important role in determining how successful you are in achieving your goals. 

If you are surrounded by the wrong people who are not helping you to achieve your goals, who are not inspiring you, who are not giving you the valuable advice and insight, who you can't ask for their unique perspective, because they don't have one on your goals, where you're not getting support, you're not getting the inspiration, you're not surrounded by those people; get a new Network Influence Map. And get out there and leverage the power of relationships. 

It's never been so easy to connect with people. You can connect with anyone on LinkedIn, Instagram, Tik Tok, wherever it is that you sit, and you are scrolling through social media, if your social media feed is not aligned to your goals, get a new algorithm. It takes about an hour to upset the old algorithm and get a new one. Just start talking to people and you know, the whole thing about everyone's listening, just start doing that. And you'll start to get a new Circle of Influence or that new Network Influence Map to bring you success within your reach, you know, and that's what's most important.

Jayce Grayye  27:00

Honestly, I'm like taking notes here, as you're saying these things. So what are some things our audience can do today to like really increase their influence then?

Catherine Mattiske  27:07

There's three things I would say to do. Firstly, get good at effective communication skills, which was a really bad sentence wasn't a get good at communication skills, bad English, but get good at communication skills. The second one is start managing your relationships in an authentic way, you know, be the trusted person that people go to. Trust is a major thing. Because if you want to be influential people need to trust you, right, that's the bottom line. Invest time and energy into building a strong personal brand. Because when you do that, when you have that strong personal brand, you're investing in yourself, you're sharing your knowledge and expertise, you share that on social media, or share that at work, be the person at work, that is the font of all knowledge about a particular area. Share your knowledge. 

I call myself the Mother Teresa, right? Because at this stage of my career, all I want to do is share my learning when I'm dead and buried in a coffin underground, no one is getting any more. So I may as well share it now. Because that helps you to build your authority, it helps you to build your own confidence. And it helps to build the trust between you and other people. And as a result, people are more likely to listen to what you've got to say. And therefore, by doing that, at 90 degrees of that mission, you've just increased your influence. And so, you can take some practical steps to really become a powerful leader. Maybe it's at work, maybe it's in your business, maybe it's in with your family, maybe it's your friends, maybe it's in an interest group, but it's about increasing your influence. And that's where you take that stand, and then you become that powerful leader.

Jayce Grayye  28:53

Wow, that is powerful. So do you think they're you know, they're like common traits of people who are highly influential? Because it definitely sounds like it.

Catherine Mattiske  29:01

Absolutely. The best book to read, everyone I think should read this in the world, is Robert Cialdini's Influence Book. So, Robert Cialdini says there's six influence patterns, and I've memorized them. Here they are; reciprocity,  authority, scarcity, commitment and consistency, liking and social proof. So there's certainly those naturally occurring social influence patents that Cialdini has researched and written about, and they're absolutely factual. There's also what I think is an Influence Mindset. There is a driver for this level within the Genius Quotient, and there's Eight Anchors of The Influence Mindset. Do you want me to run through them, Jayce?

Jayce Grayye  29:01

 Let's do it. 

Catherine Mattiske  29:01

Okay, the first one is based on Cialdini, there's three types of people who influence The Smuggler, Bungler and Sleuth. So The Smuggler is manipulative and there's zero trust, and it's a very short term output, because The Smuggler is, you know, the cloak and dagger type person. They'll get your money and never deliver on it. So they're The Smuggler of influence. They're doing things underhandedly. So that's not where you want to be. The Bungler is not where you want to be because they don't even see the opportunity to influence and they bungle away opportunities. So the first thing of The Eight Anchors of The Influence Mindset is be a Sleuth. Notice when there's an opportunity to influence and go for it; The Sleuth of Influence.

Number two in the Eight Anchors is Show Value. You need to be showing value and people that are highly influential, are showing value all the time. They're giving out stuff that is valuable all the time. 

Number three is that word "Give", okay? Be The Giver, don't be The Taker, be The Giver. Give and be so open to giving. You know, take that Mother Teresa mindset that I joke about with myself, be that person; to be there, available for people, give your time freely give your expertise freely, you know, give your ability to listen freely. That's the number three. 

Number four is a question asking the question that starts with "Will you." "Will you bla bla blah." "Will you do the report by Thursday? Will you be able to complete this on time? Will you help me with this?" Two powerful words; Will you? Because it's very difficult to say no to the "Will you" question. Try it out! Try it out tonight with your family. Try it out today at work, wherever you are in the world, try the "Will you" question and see what happens. Really hard to get a "no" answer. 

The next one is find others. And that really goes back to the Network Influence Map. Finding other people that will help you reach- reach your goals that you can help serve. Who is it that you can serve? Find other people who are in your sphere of influence that you want to help. 

The next one is within that finding common ground. And that's what I talked about before about everyone is interesting. And I remember so many times, you know, and I've done 1000s of days of training in my career. And sometimes there's just people that are so different to me, it just shocks me. You know, and I've trained all over the world and I can spend a day on an audio room telling stories about people who were shocking in training. And it's not funny, it's sometimes really horrible. But my job was to influence and to take action on whatever I was teaching, right. That's what a corporate trainer does. That's why I get paid to come in to make the change in people. Well change needs influence, you need to be influenced to change. And as a trainer, if I'm not being influential, then I'm not anywhere, they're not going to do anything different. And the training would be deemed a waste of time. So one of the core things for me is to find common ground with every person. And for some of those people that I train the 1000s, 1000s of people that I train, that's really hard. That's really hard for me, because I have my world and I'm trying to find that common ground with other people. 

Then number seven is be unique, be you. You know, and this is all about being in your Inner Genius. Who you are is perfect, you don't have to change. And in the profile, there is no demand on anyone to change. Every other profile out there says "you got to do things differently. You've got to change you've got to be a new you." I just don't believe any of that. Just be unique. Look at your own Genius Zone. Everyone has their Genius Zone. Be unique within that; be you. 

The last one, Jayce, is a sales technique that you would have been trained on as well is The Three Yeses. And to be really influential, ask three questions that you know you're going to get a yes answer to. Okay, so will you, there's the "Will you" question, Will you do the report by Thursday? Yes. Will you be able to put that on Dropbox so that I can see that in the folder? Yes. Will you reach out to me if you need any help? Yes. Three questions. Three, yes, answers. And they're closed questions. But by getting that yes, answers what you're doing is building on Cialdini's Commitment and Consistency Theory, which is people are more likely to be consistent with their behavior, i.e. Do the report by Thursday, if they have committed verbally and publicly to doing it. So, if I say in a meeting my three yeses to my boss saying 'Will you do the report by Thursday? Who you loaded on Dropbox? Yes. And will you reach out to me for support? Yes." That person is more likely to do that report. It'll be on Dropbox. And if they need help, they'll get support, because it's the Commitment and Consistency Principle; that they'll be more committed to doing that and more consistent with their behavior because they have made that public commitment. 

So that's the eight; Be a Sleuth, Show Value, Give, Ask "Will you" Questions, Find Others, (so key) Find Common Ground, with everybody, find that common ground doesn't matter who they are, what walks of life, whether they're rich, poor, or in between whatever their background is find common ground, You Be You. Be Unique. And The Three Yeses. Yes, yes, yes. 

Jayce Grayye  35:23

I hope everybody was able to take advantage of all those golden nuggets there. And Catherine, as we wrap this up, what advice would you give someone who is new to using the Genius Zone.

Catherine Mattiske  35:35

So we've got a LinkedIn group, and it's called the Genius Zone. If you're new to Inner Genius, maybe you haven't done your profile yet. Or you've just done your profile, and you're brand new in, this group that we started on LinkedIn we started a couple of months ago, we've now just got 300 members in there. That's a brilliant first step to network with like minded people share your ideas. We fuel the group with articles and tips to help them get into their Genius Zone. And also, you know, as I said before, Jayce, I'm very open to getting in touch with me via LinkedIn, just send me a message via LinkedIn. And I have some slots available in my calendar every week for coffee chats, I'll send you the calendar, I gotta say, there's not many each week, because I've got a lot going on my Circle of Influence is big, which is great. But I want to be in touch with people. So just send me a message and just get into my calendar. And let's just have a coffee chat over Zoom.

Jayce Grayye  36:37

There you have it, everybody. (I) Wanted to thank you so much for tuning in for this hour. We really appreciate everybody's time for tuning in. And thank you so much for everybody that reshared it. We definitely look forward to it. That being said, everybody, thank you so much, really, again, appreciate your time. Have a great rest of your day. 

Catherine Mattiske  36:53

Great. Thanks, Jayce. Thanks, everyone!

Carl Richards  36:58

Thank you for joining us in the Genius Zone. We hope this episode has ignited your Inner Genius. If you like what you heard today, leave us a comment or review and remember to follow Catherine on social media. Until next time, stay curious, stay inspired and continue exploring the Genius Zone.